Seatmanu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,4969,610embedded_associationsActiveRecord controller-level support for embedded associations
211,17986,038camcorderVCR-like recording for arbitrary method invocations.
312,02553,556state_managerFinite state machine implementation that keeps logic separate from model classes and su...
414,26642,025frodoProvides a simple interface for working with OData V4 APIs.
576,73186,038cruisecontrolrb-to-slackA simple daemon to report last build status of projects and activities from cruisecontr...
685,30235,920lita-greetMake your bot more welcoming and greeting
7105,71086,038cruisecontrolrb_to_hipchatA simple daemon to report last build status of projects and activities from cruisecontr...
8144,89753,556lita-devops-reactionsThis plugin just display a funny devops image with a title as seen on http://devopsreac...
9153,74353,556lita-computer-dogsThis plugin just display a dog with a computer image as seen on http://computerdogs.tum...