1 | 19,770 | 45,403 | nesta | Nesta is a lightweight Content Management System, written in Ruby using
the Sinatra web... |
2 | 85,494 | 62,315 | nesta-rails | nesta-rails is a Rails plugin that seamlessly integrates Nesta CMS into
your Rails appl... |
3 | 113,476 | 26,052 | obfuscurity | Sometimes exposing your app's internal counters (e.g. your database's
auto-incrementing... |
4 | 114,206 | 105,340 | nesta-plugin-yaml-metadata | Pages of content in Nesta CMS can be embellished with metadata, written
in a simple key... |
5 | 123,830 | 105,340 | despeckle | RSpec is fine and everything, but now that MiniTest ships with Ruby 1.9
(and comes with... |
6 | 125,326 | 105,340 | nesta-plugin-blogazine | Art directed blogs (or "blogazines") use a different design on every
page. It's easy to... |