Jonrowe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11350rspec-expectationsrspec-expectations provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a co...
21448rspec-coreBDD for Ruby. RSpec runner and example groups.
31549rspec-mocksRSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
41651rspec-supportSupport utilities for RSpec gems
52572rspecBDD for Ruby
6116131rspec-railsrspec-rails integrates the Rails testing helpers into RSpec.
7198370database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.
8429660rspec-itsRSpec extension gem for attribute matching
99701,079rspec-collection_matchersCollection cardinality matchers, extracted from rspec-expectations
101,4531,432rspec-activemodel-mocksRSpec test doubles for ActiveModel and ActiveRecord
113,93510,441rspec-legacy_formattersSupport for RSpec 2.x formatters on 3.x
128,2555,712rspec-autotestRSpec Autotest integration
1316,810143,530simplecov-inline-htmlInline HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool.
1426,29519,730mongo_adaptorA simple mongo handler. Translates Structs into Mongo and back.
1531,19340,710setsumeiA tool for describing API's as ruby objects. Currently supports building these objects ...
1632,67022,443page_upSimple paginator
1743,59330,631mongo-configureA simple gem for configuring mongo databases.
1848,01533,279prForm and Presenter libraries for interfacing the public with Rails
1952,15528,399pg_adaptorA simple pg handler. Translates Structs into PG and back.
2054,48764,816locomotionGeolocation library for RubyMotion
2154,97836,568rack-logsSimple rack based log viewer
2257,12464,816forecast_io-cacheCaching layer for forecast_io
2371,96653,866zuckermoA RubyMotion Facebook Wrapper, based of @clayallsopp's TwitterMotion wrapper.
2472,00246,192rack-whenSimple gem to load rack middleware only in certain environments.
2572,257110,764catwalkCatwalk is a gem for showing off models. It allows you to seperate presentation logic f...
2673,68753,866warden_omniauth-jonroweA warden adapter for omniauth
2773,85953,866wally-clientFeature uploader for wally
2894,158143,530jonrowe-database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
29100,31764,816ping_pongPing responder
30100,80881,632wrapupWrapUp, a simple wrapper gem for collections
31101,63874,279warden-always-authenticateSimple gem for forcing warden to authenticate.
32105,29581,632middleman-as-middlewareSimple hander to bind middleman as middleware
33107,36581,632warden-redirectSimple gem for throwing redirects in warden.
34112,07181,632rack-nullsessionA Rack Middleware that fakes a session
35120,811143,530fiberpoolA Fiberpool implementation for running tasks cooperatively, allows throttling to max co...
36123,994110,764oauth2-provider-jonroweSimple OAuth 2.0 provider toolkit
37129,805110,764rack-neverlocalBasically this gems aim is to strip from REMOTE_ADDR to make Rails think it's...
39142,452143,530sidekiq-restartAllows manual restarts of Sidekiq workers.
40144,394143,530github-webhook-authSimple gem for forcing a valid Github Webhook