1 | 10,969 | 26,667 | xss_terminate | XssTerminate for Rails 3.2 |
2 | 22,836 | 129,735 | useful_helpers | Useful helpers methods for Good Rails App |
3 | 28,608 | 32,595 | devise_russian | Часто используемые наработки по джему Devise. Включает решение по авторизации в социаль... |
4 | 32,317 | 51,488 | useful_string_extensions | useful_string_extensions |
5 | 32,871 | 32,595 | fancybox | Fancybox 2 for Rails |
6 | 40,633 | 51,488 | rails_captcha | It's a Rails Captcha Engine for Rails 3 applications. |
7 | 44,077 | 51,488 | error_message_on | Single error message for Rails Form |
8 | 44,606 | 32,595 | rails_cacheable_flash | Кэшируемый флеш |
9 | 48,737 | 129,735 | renderer | Rails 3 render view partials as string in models or modules |
10 | 48,877 | 51,488 | moveable | Move object up and down with Rails and nested set tree |
11 | 53,422 | 32,595 | jquery_rails_sortable | JQuery Rails Sortable |
12 | 54,448 | 51,488 | useful_validators | useful_validators |
13 | 54,669 | 51,488 | render_404 | Auto rendering 404 errors for Rails App |
14 | 60,957 | 51,488 | robokassa | Robokassa is payment system, that provides a single simple interface for payment system... |
15 | 61,198 | 32,595 | caches_page_with_host | Caches Page with current host to public/kesh folder. Include nginx for example config |
16 | 64,315 | 51,488 | meta_titles | Meta Titles for Rails Backend App in one .yml file |
17 | 70,394 | 51,488 | seo_attachment | Seo-оптимизированные аттачменты (Paperclip) |
18 | 73,035 | 129,735 | watermark_paperclip_processor | Watermark processor for Paperclip gem |
19 | 73,836 | 51,488 | sendmailer | Send Email from Rails 3 App with Sendmail server (Such as Exim4) |
20 | 77,840 | 129,735 | russian_fonts | Russian Fonts for Rails Apps |
21 | 82,202 | 32,595 | scroll_top | JQuery Scroll Top for Rails 3 App |
22 | 88,071 | 129,735 | uploadify_rails | Rails 3 multi upload with flash based Uploadify and Rails assets pipeline |
23 | 89,357 | 51,488 | sinatra_mailer | Send email in Sinatra APP |
24 | 94,419 | 51,488 | db_sample | Load data for Rails App |
25 | 96,487 | 32,595 | has_role | Useful role methods for Rails User model |
26 | 100,856 | 129,735 | smooth_rails | Jquery slider for Rails app with assets |
27 | 101,061 | 32,595 | em-kannel | EventMachine-driven SMS delivery via Kannel |
28 | 102,041 | 32,595 | ical | Modernization watu_table_builder with iCal calendar style for Rails App |
29 | 103,489 | 51,488 | has_balance | Useful balance methods for Rails User model |
30 | 106,325 | 51,488 | private_messages | Sending Messages beetween users. Rails + Devise |
31 | 107,384 | 129,735 | sms_api | SMS api для разных языков программирования и платформ |
32 | 107,795 | 129,735 | sanitize_filter | Useful filter settings for Sanitize Gem |
33 | 123,287 | 129,735 | will_paginate_page_options | Page options for will_paginate |
34 | 131,631 | 129,735 | redactor_rails_formtastic | Formtastic :as => field for Redactor Rails editor |
35 | 133,858 | 32,595 | feedback_mailer | Feedback Mailer for Rails app |
36 | 134,398 | 129,735 | oauth_doorman | composes authentification url, gets google acces_token of user account and gets access ... |
37 | 137,881 | 51,488 | grayscale_paperclip_processor | Grayscale processor for Paperclip gem |