Citrus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,52415,549magick_titleWant beautiful copyright-protected browser-compatible custom-smoothed & kerned fonts? M...
221,81023,402spree_essentialsSpree Essentials provides a base for several other Spree Commerce extensions. The idea ...
330,03641,086dummierDummier is a rails generator for automating the creation of rails testing applications.
437,05961,367crudifyCrudify is a dynamic resource controller for Rails 3. The idea is skinny controllers wi...
539,34118,157which_browserWhich Browser adds a few helper methods to a rack request making it easier to determine...
640,71661,367has_token_idIdentifies your active records with a random token. For more information, please see th...
741,58561,367spree_wholesaleSpree Wholesale adds a wholesale_price field to variants and allows users with a "whole...
843,18161,367spree_variant_optionsSpree Variant Options is a simple spree extension that replaces the radio-button varian...
944,19761,367uncoupleUncouple your business logic from rails.
1045,21523,402minitest_shouldShoulda style syntax for minitest test::unit. Contexts are not yet supported, but you c...
1147,51361,367spree_essential_cmsSpreeEssentialCms is a full featured content management system for Spree Commerce. It's...
1250,46261,367spree_retailersSpree Retailers is a Spree extension for listing your company's retail stores on your w...
1352,86029,456latestLatest keeps us up to speed by querying for a gem's most recent version nu...
1461,68361,367green_eggs_and_spamGreen eggs and spam presents the user with a simple question: What color is this image?...
1564,27541,086spree_mailSpree Mail extends Spree by adding a mailing list subscriber model, sign up forms and a...
1675,89461,367wordyWritten to help us create sample data for our applications, Wordy speaks in lorem ipsum...
1782,33561,367autocukeAutocuke uses EventMachine to watch your .feature files, then automatically runs cucumb...
1886,32861,367spree_essential_pressSpree Essential Press was designed with spree_essentials in mind but can be used without.
1988,86833,893merb-less-moreMerb plugin for less css support.
2098,66761,367spree_redirectsSpree Redirects adds an interface for redirecting old url's to new ones.
21102,05861,367has_magick_titleAutomagically creates an image of your rails model's title using magick_title.
22102,34061,367spree_essential_blogSpree Essential Blog is a blog plugin for Spree sites equipped with spree_essentials.
23131,71541,086pingerIn development...
24131,78461,367rack-ensure_proper_hostRack middleware for ensuring only proper hosts get passed to your application