#44562's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5754,441rbovirtA Ruby client for oVirt REST API
213,74761,367sinatra-twitter-bootstrapBootstrap Sinatra extension
314,33241,086deltacloud-clientA REST client for the Deltacloud API
415,84661,367deltacloud-coreThe Deltacloud API is built as a service-based REST API. You do not directly link a...
519,56161,367sinatra-rabbitRabbit is a Sinatra extension which can help you writing a simple REST API using ea...
622,14961,367tracker-clientAn interface to GIT patches tracker
766,39461,367rbmobileA swiss knife to create a hipster UI using jquery.mobile framework. Provides set of...
875,45661,367sockerA simple lib that helps you build awesome websockets apps
987,85661,367cloudcliA simple CLI tool for accessing Deltacloud API
1088,97961,367boilerplaterSpeed up your development using prepared boiler plate templates
11107,31733,893oo-cartridge-toolsVarious utilities to help with OpenShift cartridge development
12123,87361,367deltadslDeltacloud API powered DSL for creating complex deployments
13125,07641,086method-serializerA simple class method wrapper, which allow to serialize method return value and argumen...