1 | 1,001 | 1,444 | minitest-reporters | Death to haphazard monkey-patching! Extend Minitest through simple hooks. |
2 | 25,664 | 78,154 | jason | Create JSON templates using Erubis |
3 | 28,095 | 78,154 | zeppelin | Ruby client for the Urban Airship Push Notification API |
4 | 53,664 | 78,154 | organize | Creates directories and links to manage your Mac consistently. |
5 | 73,025 | 78,154 | matchbox | Adds Test::Unit assertions for RSpec and Shoulda matchers |
6 | 77,360 | 78,154 | webbed | Sane library for manipulating HTTP messages. |
7 | 100,456 | 78,154 | sasset | Allows multiple asset hosts to be used with SASS/SCSS |
8 | 120,481 | 57,499 | carpenter | Tiny gem for specifying test data for arbitrary objects in Ruby. |
9 | 123,544 | 78,154 | pillow | Ruby HTTP client that takes full advantage of HTTP. |
10 | 125,095 | 78,154 | journo | Allows you to extend MiniTest using reporters rather than monkey-patching |
11 | 128,622 | 78,154 | marble | DSL for creating complex Ruby hashes and arrays |