#44570's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,0011,444minitest-reportersDeath to haphazard monkey-patching! Extend Minitest through simple hooks.
225,66478,154jasonCreate JSON templates using Erubis
328,09578,154zeppelinRuby client for the Urban Airship Push Notification API
453,66478,154organizeCreates directories and links to manage your Mac consistently.
573,02578,154matchboxAdds Test::Unit assertions for RSpec and Shoulda matchers
677,36078,154webbedSane library for manipulating HTTP messages.
7100,45678,154sassetAllows multiple asset hosts to be used with SASS/SCSS
8120,48157,499carpenterTiny gem for specifying test data for arbitrary objects in Ruby.
9123,54478,154pillowRuby HTTP client that takes full advantage of HTTP.
10125,09578,154journoAllows you to extend MiniTest using reporters rather than monkey-patching
11128,62278,154marbleDSL for creating complex Ruby hashes and arrays