#44582's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,65214,299i18n_routingI18n_routing is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that lets you easily translate your routes t...
230,21586,038domain_switcherRack based domain switcher with configuration
339,84453,556brbBrB is a simple, fully transparent and extremely fast interface for doing simple distri...
464,95935,920i18n_auto_scopingI18nAutoScoping is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that lets you easily add auto-scope in yo...
570,01435,920handler301Handler 301 is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that lets you easily manage 301 redirections ...
677,24486,038seo_meta_builderSeo Meta Builder is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that lets you easily manage your meta ti...
786,43886,038device_space_leftdevice_space_left is a small plugin giving you the ability to retrieve easily the space...
8112,97053,556awesome_confThe easiest and the cleanest way to add some configuration variables to any ruby project.
9117,64086,038dead_view_catcherDeadViewCatcher is a gem for Ruby on Rails giving you an easy way to find which views y...