Dvandersluis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,17460,975amcharts.rbRuby wrapper for Amcharts
223,42140,825compendiumRuby on Rails reporting framework
324,64660,975has_localization_tableAutomatically sets up usage of a relational table to contain user-created multi-locale ...
428,62840,825accessible_tooltipWCAG compliant balloon-style tooltip helper for Rails
533,69140,825collection_ofRuby object for ease of collecting a certain type
653,11140,825waiterProvides an easy DSL for serving up menus
753,15760,975odf-converterRuby library for converting ODF files through OO.org
854,49340,825wikibotMediawiki Bot framework
955,42423,550tab_builderDSL for building tabbed containers in Rails
1066,41160,975amblingAmbling is a rails plugin makes it easy to generate XML needed by the wonderfully slick...
1171,01133,190inheritable_attrCreates a class-level attribute that is inherited (but modifiable) by subclasses
1279,36560,975pivotal-integrationProvides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...
1381,72460,975rubyunoRuby-OpenOffice UNO native bridge
1488,37760,975ox-builderDSL for easily building XML documents using ox
1589,06160,975activerecord_upsertSupport MySQL's INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in ActiveRecord
16106,12260,975attr_booleanShortcut for creating boolean attributes
17114,23860,975compendium-amchartsAmCharts.rb provider for Compendium reports
18124,25860,975bundler-dependenciesFind gems in your Gemfile with too many dependencies
19124,77660,975rjs-ifAdd if/unless blocks to RJS
20139,17060,975uses_openidAdds some OpenID authentication methods to an ActiveRecord model
21139,30960,975sanitize_attrAutomatically pass attributes through Sanitize before validation
22143,88060,975rspec_memory_formatterRSpec 2 Formatter for showing memory stats
23154,62860,975nokogiri-cacheAllow Rails to cache fragments of XML built by nokogiri
24168,85760,975number_muncherTiny ruby library for dealing with fractions.
25169,84160,975sorceressExtensible and configurable setup script