1 | 5,295 | 6,987 | fake_ftp | Testing FTP? Use this! |
2 | 18,520 | 33,893 | lapine | Talk to rabbits |
3 | 20,887 | 61,367 | sequel-schema-sharding | Create horizontally sharded Sequel models with Postgres |
4 | 21,410 | 61,367 | postmodern | Tools for managing PostgreSQL |
5 | 25,773 | 61,367 | cache-object | Object R/W Caching on top of ActiveRecord |
6 | 28,550 | 16,044 | pause | This gem provides highly flexible and easy to use interface to define rate limit checks... |
7 | 34,413 | 41,086 | counter-cache | This makes it easier. |
8 | 36,886 | 61,367 | joyent-provisioner | Wrapper gem around provisioning clusters of servers on Joyent cloud |
9 | 38,952 | 61,367 | ventable | Event/Observable design pattern in ruby |
10 | 40,868 | 21,627 | vagrant-smartos-zones | Manage SmartOS zones in Vagrant |
11 | 41,401 | 61,367 | compositor | Define simple "compositor" classes that represent your domain objects in terms of Hashe... |
12 | 44,207 | 61,367 | sequel-replica-failover | Automatically failover between replicas when they go down. |
13 | 44,399 | 61,367 | butcher | Chef is a tool for managing server automation. A good butcher makes for a good chef. |
14 | 44,879 | 61,367 | environmenter | Optionally load a Rails environment from other processes. |
15 | 45,178 | 33,893 | middlewear | Generic middleware registry and runner |
16 | 45,816 | 61,367 | aruba-rspec | Aruba and ArubaDoubles help to test command-line tools, but they are build around Cucum... |
17 | 69,737 | 61,367 | rails-dtrace | Turn ActiveSupport::Notification instruments into DTrace probes. This allows you to tra... |
18 | 81,502 | 61,367 | vagrant-smartos-guest | Allow Vagrant to detect SmartOS guests and guest capabilities |
19 | 82,476 | 61,367 | acts-as-mobile | Adds functionality to ActionPack to allow quick addition of mobile views. |
20 | 86,605 | 61,367 | spanx | Real time IP parsing and rate detection gem for access_log files |
21 | 87,283 | 61,367 | faxijaxy | jquery.form requires that :js and :json file upload forms have their responses wrapped ... |
22 | 130,332 | 61,367 | rails_middleware_delegator | Wraps a reloadable class to be used as Rails middleware. |
23 | 135,656 | 61,367 | kris-kross | Kris Kross will make you jump jump between domains with cross origin requests |
24 | 140,042 | 61,367 | compositor-rails | VIEWS WITH COMPOSITOR YAY |
25 | 158,705 | 61,367 | squee | Manage a messagebus using SNS/SQS |