Sax's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2746,587fake_ftpTesting FTP? Use this!
218,44714,661lapineTalk to rabbits
320,83028,793sequel-schema-shardingCreate horizontally sharded Sequel models with Postgres
421,36053,556postmodernTools for managing PostgreSQL
525,68153,556cache-objectObject R/W Caching on top of ActiveRecord
628,45353,556pauseThis gem provides highly flexible and easy to use interface to define rate limit checks...
734,30728,793counter-cacheThis makes it easier.
836,78520,749joyent-provisionerWrapper gem around provisioning clusters of servers on Joyent cloud
938,82453,556ventableEvent/Observable design pattern in ruby
1040,80642,025vagrant-smartos-zonesManage SmartOS zones in Vagrant
1141,30253,556compositorDefine simple "compositor" classes that represent your domain objects in terms of Hashe...
1244,10086,038sequel-replica-failoverAutomatically failover between replicas when they go down.
1344,31186,038butcherChef is a tool for managing server automation. A good butcher makes for a good chef.
1444,69186,038environmenterOptionally load a Rails environment from other processes.
1544,98286,038middlewearGeneric middleware registry and runner
1645,68486,038aruba-rspecAruba and ArubaDoubles help to test command-line tools, but they are build around Cucum...
1769,59353,556rails-dtraceTurn ActiveSupport::Notification instruments into DTrace probes. This allows you to tra...
1881,38453,556vagrant-smartos-guestAllow Vagrant to detect SmartOS guests and guest capabilities
1982,25286,038acts-as-mobileAdds functionality to ActionPack to allow quick addition of mobile views.
2086,45186,038spanxReal time IP parsing and rate detection gem for access_log files
2187,11686,038faxijaxyjquery.form requires that :js and :json file upload forms have their responses wrapped ...
22130,20286,038rails_middleware_delegatorWraps a reloadable class to be used as Rails middleware.
23135,44453,556kris-krossKris Kross will make you jump jump between domains with cross origin requests
24139,84186,038compositor-railsVIEWS WITH COMPOSITOR YAY
25158,55186,038squeeManage a messagebus using SNS/SQS