Remiprev's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6033,506herHer is an ORM that maps REST resources and collections to Ruby objects
22,7862,246activerecord_json_validatorActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes with a JSON schema.
32,81119,101activerecord_sane_schema_dumperActiveRecord::SaneSchemaDumper removes useless/harmful whitespace from Rails’ generated...
45,6667,285gaffeGaffe handles Rails error pages in a clean, simple way.
57,9284,088microscopeMicroscope adds useful scopes targeting ActiveRecord boolean and datetime attributes.
612,00625,716teamocilTeamocil is a simple tool used to automatically create windows and panes in tmux with Y...
712,70813,506emojimmyEmojimmy makes it possible to store emoji characters in ActiveRecord datastores that do...
813,41941,086aiguAigu is a set of utility to process localization files to generate JSON files to send t...
918,19610,030partisanPartisan is a Ruby library that allows ActiveRecord records to be follower and followab...
1021,22061,367hanzoHanzo is a sharp tool to handle deploying an application on Heroku on multiple environm...
1121,83010,620bourgeoisBourgeois is a Ruby library that makes using presenters a very simple thing.
1223,96914,205pharePhare looks into your files and check for (Ruby, JavaScript and SCSS) coding style errors.
1324,82761,367active_model_serializers_validatorAn extension to ActiveModel::Serializer that validates serializers output against a JSO...
1425,99033,893emotionsEmotions is a Ruby library that allows ActiveRecord records to express (and hopefully s...
1533,60961,367annyongAnnyong starts a public static Web server in the current directory, allowing people in ...
1637,23161,367surelySurely watches your screenshots directory and upload new files to your imgur account.
1739,12661,367rack-locale-root-redirectRack::LocaleRootRedirect uses Rack:Accept to map '/' to a path based on the `Accept-Lan...
1840,39910,377loucheLouche provides common validators for ActiveModel/ActiveRecord classes
1941,43861,367sprockets-illusionistTranspile your ES6 files into ES5 using the Illusionist node module and Sprockets
2045,68120,275paroleParole adds the ability to comment on ActiveRecord models.
2146,07261,367encoreEncore provides serializers and persisters to build JSON API-compliant Web services wit...
2247,66561,367activerecord_mysql_strictActiveRecord::MySQL::Strict adds validations to ActiveRecord models to make sure they d...
2349,35461,367hellohHelloh compares Rails localization files and looks for missing keys.
2460,61961,367camaraderieCamaraderie takes away the pain of managing membership stuff between users and organiza...
2562,14961,367tumbzRuby wrapper for the API
2662,22161,367activerecord_strict_validationsActiveRecord::StrictValidations adds validations to ActiveRecord models to make sure th...
2770,44661,367halfdayCollection of Capistrano recipes - Deploy. Then, take a halfday.
2872,26641,086rubocop-miregoCustom cops for Mirego.
29104,13461,367aigu-railsAdd support for Rails locales with aigu
30105,71161,367telescopeA copy of microscope
31107,46033,893patch-patchPatchPatch changes Rails’ default behavior of mapping PUT and PATCH requests on resourc...
32121,83161,367portugalActiveRecord migrations without Rails
33123,61361,367dranoDrano is a queue cleaner for SQS. It connects to a queue as a worker, and then prints e...
34134,25241,086mi_hermanoMi Hermano translates strings using the Google Spreadsheets API (since the Translate AP...
35144,77261,367poutineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.