#44629's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,21823,402datoRuby client for DatoCMS API
210,1928,830middleman-datoFetches data from a Dato site
313,55625,716dato_json_schemaA JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator.
414,49661,367showcaseA barebone and framework agnostic presenter implementation
514,83961,367activeadmin-generatorGenerate ActiveAdmin projects
614,87261,367adminoMake administrative views creation less repetitive
729,98261,367redpomoA nice little gem that integrates Redmine, Todo.txt and Pomodoro.app
832,93919,101middleman-paginateA simple helper to generate custom paginated content with Middleman
944,48061,367socialmuxSocialmux implements a strategy to add multiple social providers to the same user. It's...
1046,77261,367scoped_associationsScopedAssociations lets you create multiple `has_to` and `has_many` associations betwee...
1154,13041,086tediumRemoves the tedium of form filling with SitePrism by allowing you to specify a set ...
1289,31961,367sjpegRuby bindings for sjpeg
13121,53661,367dato-dumpDump a DatoCMS space as data files into your static website generator tool.
14136,72541,086nannyNanny helps you find valid Torrent links from CLI
15141,51561,367straight_authThe dumbest authentication system you could think of
16143,19461,367dummy_globalizeBecause I must be too stupid to understand globalize.