#44667's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0282,248ckeditorCKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages
213,05819,537sunrise-cmsSunrise is a Open Source CMS
313,55321,872galetahub-simple_captchaSimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 or above and also it provides the ba...
414,71318,537rails-uploaderRails HTML5 FileUpload helpers
521,54720,125meta_managerAimbulance CMS
621,86214,579galetahub-enum_fieldEnables Active Record attributes to point to enum like objects, by saving in your datab...
728,36148,058ballot_boxThe BallotBox gem enables visitors to vote for and against voteable objects
830,22621,872page_partsAimbulance CMS
931,59920,881postman_mtaThis gem will add some routes to the application to forward requests from frontend to p...
1035,59516,783cancan_namespaceAdd namespace for cancan authorization library
1136,94970,066social_profileWrapper for Omniauth profile hash, post photo to album
1238,11038,544redressBuild maintainable Ruby apps
1338,11717,084api_signatureSign API requests with HMAC signature
1438,36720,881action_tracker_clientActionTracking service integration gem
1538,43432,433sunrise-coreSunrise is a Aimbulance CMS
1638,59470,066sunrise-scaffoldSunrise is a Aimbulance CMS
1739,29170,066vkontakteThe easiest way to access Vkontakte API and some other utils.
1840,32921,872ruby2xlsxAnother gem for easy exporting data to Excel
1941,98070,066share_checkerInsert ShareChecker description.
2044,31238,544api_proxyProxy for tickets service
2151,42270,066sunrise-postsPosts plugin for Sunrise CMS via aimbulance
2256,51870,066web_videoWebVideo allows you to inspect, convert and take screenshots from video files
2357,94132,433sunrise-file-uploadSunrise is a Aimbulance CMS
2459,19948,058rails-markerForm helpers for edit fields such as zoom, longitude and latitude
2560,03338,544galetahub-freshdeskSimple Freshdesk client for API v2 based on httparty gem
2668,06170,066sunrise-commentsComments module for sunrise-cms
2770,22570,066sunrise-deployDeploy module for sunrise-cms using capistrano
2880,34670,066rfidProvider for RFID API and driver by websokets protocol
2980,52170,066sunrise-votesSunrise is a Aimbulance CMS: votes module
3080,62548,058rfid_apiSimple client to work with RFID API
3181,51970,066sunrise-feedbacksSunrise is a Aimbulance CMS: feedbacks module
3281,98420,125galetahub-copyscapeSimple and easy way to use Copyscape API from Ruby
3395,00938,544galetahub-api-sigv2Sign API requests with HMAC signature
34100,69970,066sunrise-widgetsWidgets plugin for Sunrise CMS via aimbulance
35113,41470,066galetahub-salty_slugsAbstraction of word-based slugs for URLs, w/ or w/o leading numeric IDs.
36113,93648,058loginzaLoginza - an interactive JavaScript widget provides visitors to your sites, a wide rang...
37119,71070,066galetahub-active_presenterActivePresenter is the presenter library you already know! (...if you know ActiveRecord)
38120,26248,058galetahub-auto_htmlAutomatically transforms urls (via domain) and includes the destination resource (Vimeo...
39121,13848,058galetahub-globalize3Rails I18n: de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation
40132,32170,066sunrise-questionsQuestions plugin for Sunrise CMS via aimbulance
41134,73770,066track_tweetsAPI for track_tweets service (monitoring tweet stats)
42141,94848,058keypicClient for Keypic Web Service API
43170,64970,066translation_cmsTranslation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)