1 | 2,024 | 2,358 | ckeditor | CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages |
2 | 13,044 | 18,975 | sunrise-cms | Sunrise is a Open Source CMS |
3 | 13,550 | 16,718 | galetahub-simple_captcha | SimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 or above and also it provides the ba... |
4 | 14,705 | 17,687 | rails-uploader | Rails HTML5 FileUpload helpers |
5 | 21,540 | 20,108 | meta_manager | Aimbulance CMS |
6 | 21,870 | 13,093 | galetahub-enum_field | Enables Active Record attributes to point to enum like objects, by saving in your datab... |
7 | 28,351 | 18,513 | ballot_box | The BallotBox gem enables visitors to vote for and against voteable objects |
8 | 30,204 | 21,585 | page_parts | Aimbulance CMS |
9 | 31,586 | 33,024 | postman_mta | This gem will add some routes to the application to forward requests from frontend to p... |
10 | 35,590 | 19,506 | cancan_namespace | Add namespace for cancan authorization library |
11 | 36,931 | 54,265 | social_profile | Wrapper for Omniauth profile hash, post photo to album |
12 | 38,099 | 44,176 | redress | Build maintainable Ruby apps |
13 | 38,120 | 20,809 | api_signature | Sign API requests with HMAC signature |
14 | 38,351 | 22,528 | action_tracker_client | ActionTracking service integration gem |
15 | 38,414 | 25,032 | sunrise-core | Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS |
16 | 38,577 | 33,024 | sunrise-scaffold | Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS |
17 | 39,265 | 29,394 | vkontakte | The easiest way to access Vkontakte API and some other utils. |
18 | 40,320 | 20,108 | ruby2xlsx | Another gem for easy exporting data to Excel |
19 | 41,958 | 54,265 | share_checker | Insert ShareChecker description. |
20 | 44,289 | 22,528 | api_proxy | Proxy for tickets service |
21 | 51,400 | 79,529 | sunrise-posts | Posts plugin for Sunrise CMS via aimbulance |
22 | 56,493 | 79,529 | web_video | WebVideo allows you to inspect, convert and take screenshots from video files |
23 | 57,921 | 33,024 | sunrise-file-upload | Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS |
24 | 59,187 | 33,024 | rails-marker | Form helpers for edit fields such as zoom, longitude and latitude |
25 | 60,013 | 25,032 | galetahub-freshdesk | Simple Freshdesk client for API v2 based on httparty gem |
26 | 68,025 | 44,176 | sunrise-comments | Comments module for sunrise-cms |
27 | 70,185 | 79,529 | sunrise-deploy | Deploy module for sunrise-cms using capistrano |
28 | 80,309 | 37,890 | rfid | Provider for RFID API and driver by websokets protocol |
29 | 80,494 | 54,265 | sunrise-votes | Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS: votes module |
30 | 80,597 | 37,890 | rfid_api | Simple client to work with RFID API |
31 | 81,482 | 44,176 | sunrise-feedbacks | Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS: feedbacks module |
32 | 82,014 | 29,394 | galetahub-copyscape | Simple and easy way to use Copyscape API from Ruby |
33 | 95,008 | 29,394 | galetahub-api-sigv2 | Sign API requests with HMAC signature |
34 | 100,669 | 44,176 | sunrise-widgets | Widgets plugin for Sunrise CMS via aimbulance |
35 | 113,423 | 54,265 | galetahub-salty_slugs | Abstraction of word-based slugs for URLs, w/ or w/o leading numeric IDs. |
36 | 113,923 | 54,265 | loginza | Loginza - an interactive JavaScript widget provides visitors to your sites, a wide rang... |
37 | 119,706 | 44,176 | galetahub-active_presenter | ActivePresenter is the presenter library you already know! (...if you know ActiveRecord) |
38 | 120,252 | 44,176 | galetahub-auto_html | Automatically transforms urls (via domain) and includes the destination resource (Vimeo... |
39 | 121,134 | 44,176 | galetahub-globalize3 | Rails I18n: de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation |
40 | 132,269 | 54,265 | sunrise-questions | Questions plugin for Sunrise CMS via aimbulance |
41 | 134,695 | 54,265 | track_tweets | API for track_tweets service (monitoring tweet stats) |
42 | 141,943 | 54,265 | keypic | Client for Keypic Web Service API |
43 | 170,601 | 79,529 | translation_cms | Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3) |