#44669's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,18632,803acts_as_blamableAutomatically set created_by and updated_by fields
227,33127,575acts_as_configurableStorage of configuration values in database
359,49351,783i18n_columnThis extension provides the capabilities of storing and retrieving translations from a ...
477,49936,831paperclip_i18nThis gem depends on the paperclip gem and Rails 3.1. A separate file can be uploaded fo...
597,21142,524paranoid_createEnable soft delete of ActiveRecord records. Based off defunct ActsAsParanoid and IsPara...
6131,74774,484rails3_acts_as_paranoid_createActive Record (>=3.0) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actua...