Xunker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,19363,432middleman-targetAllows you specify different targets for a middleman build so you can build different v...
262,32763,432multi_zipAbstracts zipping and unzipping using whatever gems are installed using one consistent ...
363,00663,432array-subindexAccess sub-integer array indexes in Ruby: Array.new([1,2])[0.5] == 1.5
470,05863,432goodallAn easy interface for documenting your API while you write your tests.
574,99763,432tolerate_jsonA JSON formatter written in pure Ruby that works "good enough" and has no gem dependenc...
682,67130,305dont_deploy_debugDon't allow a capistrano deploy if code contains ruby debug statements
793,38363,432sudden_motion_sensorRead orientation and acceleration data from the Sudden Motion Sensor inside many Apple ...
895,29863,432validate_blockThis gem allows similar ActiveRecord validates_* commands to be grouped together in blo...
995,47163,432peter_panA virtual screen buffer with viewport panning. For the Dream Cheeky LED sign, but also ...
1097,99663,432shared_bookA Ruby Gem to connect to the SharedBook.com publishing API. This version provides 1:1 ...
11104,66863,432trigonalTrigonal reports all the ruby gems in your app to a central server
12130,56363,432uciRuby library for the Universal Chess Interface (UCI)
13139,01563,432trigonal-rails3Trigonal gem reporting tool for Rails 3
14140,10763,432trigonal-rails2Trigonal gem reporting tool for Rails 2