Rstacruz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1749571ffakerFfaker generates dummy data.
22,1893,045jquery-turbolinksjQuery plugin for drop-in fix binded events problem caused by Turbolinks
32,7994,304rspec-repeatRetry an RSpec test until it succeeds
43,6234,050minaBlazing fast application deployment tool.
57,91415,410sinatra-supportSinatra-support includes many helpers for forms, errors and many amazing things.
68,39024,564sinatra-assetpackPackage your assets for Sinatra.
716,67537,265hydewebHyde lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, Sa...
827,27728,297npm-pipeline-railsUse any toolchain to bulid your asset files in Rails 4.2. Integrate Brunch, Gulp, Grunt...
929,08239,646sinatra-minifysinatra-minify is an extension for Sinatra to compress assets.
1030,24246,777sqwishCompresses CSS.
1139,75023,174bullhorndrop in rack middleware for
1240,050117,678sinatra-backboneProvides Rest API access to your models and serves JST pages.
1346,853117,678tps_reporterA YAML-powered, simple command-line task report builder.
1549,05928,297cdnjs-commandThis package lets you download the popular JavaScript packages with one command, thanks...
1650,39358,846protonProton lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, ...
1752,07868,530rspec-rails-matchersHelps you write rspec with rails for fun
1854,96743,535styledown2-sourceStyledown lets you write maintainable CSS styleguides using Markdown.
1957,43353,263renvyREnvy lets you use a syntax similar to RSpec on your Test::Unit tests.
2064,43853,263shakeShake is a simple replacement for Thor/Rake.
2166,62797,080proscribeBuild some documentation for your projects of any language.
2270,30868,530paperclip-matchersAllows you to do BDD on paperclip with ease
2371,45868,530greaderIt reads Google Reader feeds.
2474,036117,678gemistGemist leverages on purely Rubygems to require the correct gem versions in a project.
2576,10368,530styledown2-railsStyledown lets you write maintainable CSS styleguides using Markdown.
2676,73858,846minitest-should_syntaxLets you use a syntax similar to RSpec on your MiniTest tests.
2779,934117,678sgpassSGPass uses a hash algorithm to transform a master password into unique, complex passwo...
2884,14958,846styledown2Styledown lets you write maintainable CSS styleguides using Markdown.
2994,25277,965sinefunc-rstakeoutThis gem watches a given directory for any changes and executes a given command when so...
3096,14097,080test-unit-runner-failfastTest::Unit::Runner::Failfast allows you to see your Test::Unit errors more intuitively.
3198,26297,080reaccoReacco makes your readme's pretty.
32108,319117,678remoteRemote lets you define a YAML config file with your servers and command aliases, and le...
33109,03797,080rstacruz-turbolinksTurbolinks makes following links in your web application faster (use with Rails Asset P...
34120,41677,965monk-shakeMonk lets you build Sinatra applications quickly and painlessly by letting it set up th...
35123,97097,080ionIon is a library that lets you index your records and search them with simple or comple...
36125,896117,678rstakeWatches a list of files for changes, and executes a given command when any changes are ...
37131,608117,678notedownNotedown is a markup language designed for outliner-style documents. It is optimized to...
38159,008117,678lesstidyLessTidy takes your CSS (or LessCSS) file and rewrites it in a more readable format.
39160,15997,080auraAura is a CMS.