Turboladen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,51414,266tailortailor parses Ruby files and measures them with some style and static analysis "rulers"...
28,51910,071log_switchExtends a class for singleton style logging that can easily be tu...
322,37511,794ffi-gdalFFI wrapper for GDAL/OGR.
426,947105,340rtspThis library intends to follow the RTSP RFC document (2326) to allow for working with R...
531,72562,315sdpThis gem allows for parsing SDP (Session Description Protocol) information in to a Ruby...
642,392105,340rtpThis is a pure Ruby implementation of RTP, initially geared towards use with RTSP (b...
743,34962,315hairballsLike oh-my-zsh, but for IRB.
862,62545,403test_linkerThis is a Ruby wrapper around the TestLink XMLRPC API, thus allowing access to your T...
986,12062,315fisheye-crucibleThis gem is a wrapper around the REST API for Atlassian's {Fisheye}[http://www.atlassia...
1090,06662,315ffi-gdal-extensionsMake ffi-gdal feel more like Ruby, plus adds some new functionality
11103,058105,340drama_queenA simple, non-threaded, local-object pub-sub/observer with the ability to pub-sub on to...
12137,28162,315pantsPants redirects IO using EventMachine from one input source to many different destinati...
13154,217105,340playfulplayful provides the tools you need to build an app that runs in a UPnP environment.
14167,721105,340thermite-railsUse thermite gems in Rails.