Deanwilson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,8867,374puppet-lint-absolute_template_pathA new check for puppet-lint that checks all template paths are in the template('exa...
27,6428,229puppet-lint-no_symbolic_file_modes-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure all file resource modes are defined as octal values a...
37,9625,182puppet-lint-template_file_extension-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure all filenames used in template and epp functions end ...
48,35012,967puppet-lint-duplicate_class_parameters-checkA puppet-lint extension that ensures class parameter names are unique.
59,61319,893puppet-lint-world_writable_files-checkA puppet-lint extension that ensures file resources do not have a mode that makes t...
69,85922,084puppet-lint-no_file_path_attribute-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure file resources do not have a path attribute.
711,93418,158puppet-lint-no_erb_template-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure there are no calls to the template or inline_template...
812,43030,305puppet-lint-concatenated_template_files-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure all template functions expand a single file, rather t...
916,04930,305puppet-lint-yumrepo_gpgcheck_enabled-checkA puppet-lint extension that ensures yumrepo resources have the gpgcheck attribute ...
1017,09330,305puppet-lint-no_cron_resources-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure no cron resources are contained in the catalog.
1123,94022,084puppet-lint-explicit_hiera_class_param_lookup-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure there are no explicit calls to hiera() in the class p...
12139,63341,916puppet-lint-non_erb_template_filename-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure all filenames used in template functions end with the...
13154,59130,305puppet-lint-no_chaining_arrows-checkExtends puppet-lint to issue warnings if any chaining arrows ('->', '~>', '&l...
14167,96863,432trello-bulk-card-creatorA trello bulk card creator.