1 | 9,973 | 61,367 | active_paypal_adaptive_payment | This library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway. |
2 | 27,230 | 29,456 | restful-authentication | Generates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rsp... |
3 | 46,210 | 61,367 | spree_mini_contact | Basically the easiest way to implement a contact form. |
4 | 71,527 | 61,367 | Kharites-tools | Tools for Karites. |
5 | 89,481 | 61,367 | jpablobr-sinatra-authorization | jpablobr-sinatra-authorization HTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra. |
6 | 90,618 | 61,367 | jpablobr-freshbooks.rb | Freshbooks integration for Ruby |
7 | 99,309 | 33,893 | mthdspool | Lists Ruby objects methods by searching them in ObjectSpace and filtering them with grep. |
8 | 99,442 | 61,367 | spree_paypal_adaptive_payment | Add PayPal Adaptive Payments to Spree store |
9 | 100,373 | 33,893 | spree_product_enquiry | Basically the easiest way to implement a product enquiry form. |
10 | 100,696 | 61,367 | ttycoke | TTYCoke enables coloring on ANSI terminals based on regular expressions. |
11 | 101,922 | 61,367 | simple-spawn | Simple processes spawner that makes scripting UNIX pipes a breeze. |
12 | 121,586 | 61,367 | ccheck | A small implementation of the Luhn algorithm. |
13 | 123,741 | 41,086 | jpablobr-freshbooks | jpablobr-freshBooks is a Ruby interface to the FreshBooks API. It exposes easy-to-use c... |
14 | 124,931 | 61,367 | gem-etags | Automatic etags generation on gem install |
15 | 131,617 | 61,367 | refinerycms-whatson | Straightforward what\'s on engine for RefineryCMS. |
16 | 164,249 | 61,367 | f4r | Simple .FIT file encoder/decoder |