1 | 7,207 | 6,055 | rushover | A simple ruby Pushover client |
2 | 11,253 | 25,716 | pundit_helpers | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
3 | 11,437 | 25,716 | human_seconds | Converts seconds like 7261 into a human readable string '2h1m1s' |
4 | 11,461 | 25,716 | settings_store | A very simple hash like store for App settings |
5 | 11,520 | 25,716 | jsboot-rails | a small solution for removing all inline javascript from your views |
6 | 11,932 | 61,367 | s3_style | S3Style is a utility for generating and modifying S3 urls with multiple "style" variant... |
7 | 17,624 | 61,367 | acts-as-optionable | Add options to ActiveRecord models. I don't advise using this yet, as it's very alpha. |
8 | 34,369 | 61,367 | spec_run_queue | Use a queue to run specs outside your editor |
9 | 43,241 | 61,367 | can_opener | Split up your CanCan Ability by allowing you to easily create abilities in separate cla... |
10 | 44,282 | 61,367 | s3direct | Upload directly to S3 |
11 | 58,392 | 61,367 | das_catalog | Download screencasts from Destroy All Software catalog. Uses the rss feed plus Mechani... |
12 | 62,546 | 61,367 | bounce_touch_icon | Rack middleware to 404 touch icon requests from iOS devices |
13 | 66,646 | 61,367 | rack-header-key | Rack Middleware for authenticating requests via an http header |
14 | 69,454 | 61,367 | secret_store | Store secrets for your app in a encrypted in a yaml file. |
15 | 71,986 | 25,716 | motivation | Simple DSL for use in classes to motivate a user towards a goal |
16 | 74,233 | 61,367 | tally_counter | Tally web application hits with Rack & Redis sorted sets |
17 | 76,852 | 61,367 | scrivener_errors | Basic error messages for Scrivener filters |
18 | 82,486 | 61,367 | rack-twilio-validator | Rack Middleware for validating twilio request signatures |
19 | 83,427 | 61,367 | simple_monitor | Send alerts based on simple monitored conditions in your app |
20 | 84,109 | 61,367 | bemurphy-google_plus | Light wrapper for Google+ API, using HTTParty |
21 | 84,142 | 61,367 | bemurphy-cinch-last_seen | A "last seen" plugin for the Cinch framework |
22 | 89,574 | 61,367 | s3_thumbnail | s3_thumbnail will generate thumbnails for s3direct files |
23 | 92,081 | 61,367 | feed_cache | A thin wrapper over Feedzirra with injected caching |
24 | 97,346 | 61,367 | integration_test_redis | Control a non-persistent Redis server for use in integration tests. |
25 | 100,268 | 33,893 | lorem-image-ware | rack middleware for proxying requests to lorempixel.com |
26 | 102,797 | 61,367 | red_trend | Store your trend data in redis |
27 | 104,701 | 61,367 | lawkeeper | Lawkeeper - Simple authorization policies for Rack apps |
28 | 110,382 | 61,367 | cinch-fortune | Unix style fortunes to users for IRC. |
29 | 121,848 | 61,367 | kajabi-css_parser | A set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby. |
30 | 124,578 | 41,086 | minitest-mongoid | Mongoid assertion matchers for MiniTest |
31 | 133,866 | 61,367 | rspec-pubsub-formatter | Publish rspec status from a spec run into redis |
32 | 134,438 | 61,367 | rack_heroku_meta | Rack middleware for checking the process commit hash on Heroku |
33 | 135,497 | 41,086 | on_event | Build callback chains for named events. |
34 | 135,850 | 61,367 | haiku_name | Generate pleasing random name strings |
35 | 138,827 | 61,367 | static_signature | Rack Middleware for adding query string cache busting signatures on
script and style as... |
36 | 148,932 | 33,893 | ost-job | Job base classes for Ost |