1 | 7,167 | 5,627 | ruby-freshbooks | simple FreshBooks API wrapper. supports both OAuth and API token authentication |
2 | 7,329 | 26,609 | resque-delayed | Enqueue jobs that will only appear for processing after a specified delay or at a parti... |
3 | 87,317 | 86,038 | elucid-adaptive_pay | Wrapper around the Paypal Adaptive Payments API |
4 | 122,220 | 86,038 | elucid-rails_admin | RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d... |
5 | 125,229 | 86,038 | sprockets-es6-coffee | Don't wrap Coffeescript compiled output in IIFEs if es6 module is being used |
6 | 132,946 | 86,038 | sc-rails | This gem adds handlebars.js compilation to the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline and provides pa... |
7 | 158,310 | 53,556 | elucid-merb_activerecord | Merb plugin that provides ActiveRecord support |
8 | 163,622 | 86,038 | mobiledoc-html-renderer | MobileDoc HTML Renderer for Ruby |