Burgestrand's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1566681punditObject oriented authorization for Rails applications
214,96161,367spotifyLow-level Ruby bindings for libspotify, the official Spotify C API
317,93017,333libspotifylibspotify is a ruby gem for distribution of libspotify binaries. It allows download of...
418,33861,367hallonHallon allows you to write Ruby applications utilizing the official Spotify C API.
525,19941,086serialPlain old Ruby for generating primitive data structures from object graphs.
629,59316,044mockspotifyFFI bindings to the mockspotify C library
729,6867,745corsCross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is great; it allows your visitors to asynchronousl...
841,18720,275MusixA simplified API for searching iTunes, Grooveshark and Spotify
945,21917,333platform-testsAn experiment in how rubygems behaves with different platform options.
1052,86661,367em-throttled_queueA rate-limited Queue for EventMachine
1161,33333,893hallon-openalOpenAL audio drivers for Hallon: http://rubygems.org/gems/hallon
1261,46061,367econfig-keychainAn OSX keychain adapter for Econfig.
1364,78161,367banisterfiendFiendishly sneaky; loves to pry!
1467,17261,367dimmaA Ruby library for the Beacon REST API
1569,77125,716mellonA command-line utility for managing secret application credentials via OSX keychain.
1672,37561,367playthingBlast raw PCM audio through your speakers using OpenAL.
1780,60429,456nanomachineA really tiny state machine for ruby. No events, only acceptable transitions and transi...
1884,57641,086weak_observableObservable::Weak is very similar to Observable from ruby’ standard library, but with th...
1984,65661,367bloxBlox helps you write Ruby methods that accept multiple blocks
2093,81233,893performerPerformer is a tiny gem for scheduling blocks in a background thread, and optionally wa...
2195,27261,367rails_pruneA rake task for Rails to truncate your database.
2297,03033,893livereload_railsEasy livereloading of assets for Rails.
23101,83061,367stomp_parserSTOMP frame parser.
24108,36861,367vlad-nginxNGiNX recipe for Vlad the Deployer
25122,90441,086mockA tiny wee mini-server for static files and CSS serving
26124,43961,367keeperA thread-safe blocking event pattern for your pleasure.
27124,77441,086object-sendWhat is send? ============= It’s a tiny wee ruby gem that is a fork of [Object#try](htt...
28127,32561,367atomic_hamsterBecause naming things is sometimes funny.
29134,86061,367rubyapiAccess help to the Ruby C library from FFI
30137,24061,367ruhueAPI client for interacting with the Philips Hue Hub HTTP API.
31146,12561,367rails_wipeA rake task for Rails to truncate your database.