1 | 1,866 | 1,789 | date_validator | A simple, ORM agnostic, Ruby 1.9 compatible date validator for Rails 3+, based on Activ... |
2 | 3,727 | 6,892 | spinach | Spinach is a BDD framework on top of gherkin |
3 | 3,815 | 7,001 | gherkin-ruby | Gherkin-ruby is a Gherkin parser in pure Ruby using Rexical and Racc |
4 | 3,934 | 8,188 | spinach-rails | spinach-rails adds Rails support to spinach |
5 | 5,943 | 7,203 | hyperclient | Hyperclient is a Ruby Hypermedia API client. |
6 | 7,521 | 23,626 | futuroscope | Futuroscope is yet another simple gem that implements the Futures concurrency pattern. |
7 | 13,843 | 20,749 | resort | Positionless model sorting for Rails. |
8 | 14,728 | 23,626 | guard-spinach | guard-spinach is a guard plugin for spinach |
9 | 14,806 | 21,532 | acts_as_decimal | Rails 3 gem to treat an attribute as a decimal (getting and setting floating-point valu... |
10 | 21,301 | 18,833 | markdownizer | Render any text as markdown, with code highlighting and all! |
11 | 28,042 | 21,532 | rack-webconsole | Rack-based console inside your web applications |
12 | 30,560 | 86,038 | simple_currency | A really simple currency converter using XavierMedia API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby ... |
13 | 31,854 | 21,532 | empresaula-assets | Assets needed to build empresaula third-party apps |
14 | 32,450 | 53,556 | pelusa | Static analysis Lint-type tool to improve your OO Ruby code |
15 | 45,813 | 86,038 | button_form | button_form replaces all tags with in your forms |
16 | 50,864 | 86,038 | remarkable_date_validator | Remarkable matchers for date_validator |
17 | 53,155 | 86,038 | autility | Downloads utility invoices from common spanish firms such as Endesa or Vodafone. |
18 | 55,615 | 42,025 | colorant | Easily extract the colors of any image file! |
19 | 61,059 | 86,038 | empresaula-api | Ruby wrapper for interacting with Empresaula's API |
20 | 61,687 | 31,663 | gram | Internal client for Codegram administration |
21 | 64,641 | 31,663 | hypermodel | Rails Responder to generate an automagic JSON HAL representation for your Mongoid models |
22 | 65,480 | 53,556 | cheezburger | BDD for lolcats! Just require it in your Gemfile and you got funny specs for free! |
23 | 75,782 | 35,920 | hoygancop | A gem for easy detection and correction of hoygans |
24 | 79,296 | 86,038 | colorblind | Colorblind extends ActiveSupport logger with trendy colorschemes from the 90's! |
25 | 86,020 | 86,038 | sass-images | A sass helper that knows how to deal with images |
26 | 90,075 | 35,920 | hackershout | Shout your hackerness! Promote your work on Reddit, Hackernews and Ruby Flow. |
27 | 94,662 | 35,920 | prawn-qr | Prawn-qr is a prawn extension for creating QR Codes inside of a prawn document |
28 | 95,487 | 42,025 | hoygan_validator | An activemodel validator for hoyganness |
29 | 118,896 | 86,038 | dm-machinist | dm-machinist is a datamapper adapter for machinist 2.0 |
30 | 123,830 | 86,038 | course_scraper | Gives you a list of all courses in Spanish vocational education. |
31 | 129,936 | 53,556 | owemegod | A gem for easily distribute debts among friends |