#44804's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1390243stackprofstackprof is a fast sampling profiler for ruby code, with cpu, wallclock and object all...
2810652opentracingOpenTracing Ruby Platform API
34,8826,343request-log-analyzerRequest log analyzer's purpose is to find out how your web application is being used, h...
45,25610,654scoutThe scout gem reports metrics to Pingdom Server Monitor (server.pingdom.com), an easy-t...
56,49314,968server_metricsCollect information about disks, memory, CPU, networks, and processes
66,97117,316scout_statsd_rackRack application monitoring with StatsD: reports key performance metrics for apps serve...
77,2827,472server_timingView server-side performance metrics in your browser.
88,98821,341scout_railsMonitors a Ruby on Rails application and reports detailed metrics on performance to Sco...
914,96429,723scout_apiA library for interacting with Scout (http://scoutapp.com), a hosted server monitoring ...
1023,15931,170scout_realtimeRealtime server metrics in your browser.
1147,32047,929scout_scoutAPI wrapper for scout.com
1247,75027,104profile_itProfile a Ruby on Rails application in your browser and reports detailed metrics to pro...
13124,95784,493scout_signalfxReports app performance metrics gathered via Scout to SignalFx
14131,62984,493scout_dogstatsdReports app performance KPIs (response time, error rate, throughput, etc) via the DogSt...
15170,72684,493scout_statsdReports app performance KPIs (response time, error rate, throughput, etc) via a StatsD ...