Tmlee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,1392,446time_differenceTimeDifference is the missing Ruby method to calculate difference between two given tim...
251,87461,367browser_detectSimple rails browser detection based on original plugin by Richard Livsey"
365,42961,367roomorama_apiRuby wrapper to call Roomorama API V1.0 at For a step by ste...
471,75661,367cryptocoincharts_apiCryptocoincharts API Ruby wrapper for
594,24861,367heyzap_publisher_apiUnofficial Heyzap Ruby wrapper API for game publishing on your site.
6128,63461,367gitlab_rubyInteract with Gitlab API on Ruby with method chaining
7135,17041,086duck_duck_go_apiDuck Duck Go API for Ruby
8168,48641,086minifiedjs-railsCompiles minified.js lightweight Javascript library with Rails asset pipeline