Bogdan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7812,151js-routesExposes all Rails Routes URL helpers as javascript module
24,0693,918http_loggerThis gem keep an eye on every Net::HTTP library usage and dump all request and response...
34,4714,479datagridThe library allows you to easily build datagrid aka data tables with sortable columns a...
46,50412,065accept_values_forWriting specs for complex validations is annoying. AcceptValuesFor makes iteasy to test...
58,7526,675furiThe philosophy of this gem is to make any URI modification or parsing operation to take...
619,24661,367git-storyidHelps include pivotal story id and description in commit
728,86761,367has_metricsCalculate metrics and store them in the DB.
835,10461,367shelltoadCommand line interface for hoptoad (
938,93261,367diffbenchDiffbench is gem designed to benchmark the performance patches. It can run specified be...
1051,53029,456indeedSimple wrapper for JSON api provided by indeed. Original documentation at: http://www.i...
1154,85718,157pivotal_shellA command-line client for Pivotal Tracker
12127,22661,367bogdanBogdan's utility functions
13132,18261,367changes_validatorActiveModel validator that acts like state machine
14179,49061,367bogdan-test-gemGem to perform test operation