Aratak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,46663,432jquery_drapperCreate some widget from 'input' source. Unobtrusive.
239,93563,432wiskeyThe rails 3 gem, which include SCSS mixins and default rails templates for true-cutupping.
350,75763,432wkhtmltopdf_for_railsProvides WKHTMLTOPDF for ruby on rails.
451,25463,432liqueurCSS framework with most used snippets for true cutupping.
580,66663,432datetime_format_converterConverts ruby date/time format to javascript format of date/time
683,28963,432susaninThis gem simplify the route generation which generates via `polymorphic_url` method
7111,73563,432aratak-routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
8113,85763,432aratak_date_validatorA simple, ORM agnostic, Ruby 1.9 compatible date validator for Rails 3, based on Active...
9121,31563,432cityname_aliasesReturns real name of city by it's alias
10127,55763,432params_converterRich version of assert_valid_keys method
11130,19363,432vault8Ruby client for Vault8 service for easy integration
12132,90563,432page_meta_forThen views and layouts are able to call `page_meta_for` which can be defined on control...
13154,65741,916purpurPurpur is a possibility to generate SVG which will use for icons in modern web projects
14173,81063,432billetBillet as core of application changes. Contains generators and rake tasks.
15175,43863,432unobtrusive_resourcesThis gem provides number of utility methods to cleanup codebase, related to controllers...
16175,50563,432glipperImplementation of drapers for the rails views