Hammackj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,32311,530librexThis has been replaced by the 'rex' gem (~> 2.0.2)
218,63635,920risurisu is a Nessus .nessus XML parser and report generation tool
323,77728,793uirusuuirusu is tool and REST library for interacting with Virustotal.org
429,16116,361naslA language parser for the Nessus Attack Scripting Language. Supporting NASL v5.2.
531,02942,025nasl-pedantA static analysis framework for the Nessus Attack Scripting Language.
636,49553,556projmgrprojmgr is a source code managment tool for automating project managment
742,64153,556nasldocnasldoc is a NASL documentation generator
864,53186,038senhasenha is a simple password generation tool
972,10931,663kekkankekkan is an SAX XML parser and database for NVD CVE and CPE XML files.
1079,76835,920keigankeigan is a on demand web interface for a Risu database
1192,87486,038nessusdbNessusDB has been renamed to Risu. This gem is obsolete; Please use risu
12107,80586,038middlecoinmiddlecoin is a parser/status checker for middlecoin.com
13108,72786,038virustotalvirustotal is a script for automating virustotal.com queries
14126,97153,556grimlockgrimlock is a experiment in implementing security tools in ruby
15128,33053,556inuinu is a Nessus .nessus xml parser and report generation tool
16134,36486,038nekoneko is an on-demand web-based Net Flow analysis framework
17143,97753,556horuhoru is library for interacting with CGMiner