Chuckremes's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3565,371ffi-rzmqThis gem wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign function inter...
24,7605,622ffi-rzmq-coreThis gem provides only the FFI wrapper for the ZeroMQ (0mq) networking library. Pro...
36,61211,862slack-ruby-botThe easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
416,53761,367rubysl-socketSocket standard library for Rubinius.
530,49141,086zmqmachineZMQMachine is another Ruby implementation of the reactor pattern but this time using 0m...
655,81121,627nn-coreWraps the nanomsg networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign function interface). I...
7165,76861,367slack_ruby_bot_authorizationEasy way to build a whitelist authorization mechanism for slack ruby bot commands. De...