Fabrik42's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2855,523acts_as_apiacts_as_api enriches the models and controllers of your app in a rails-like way so you ...
232,02930,732plingPling is a notification framework that supports multiple gateways. Currently supported ...
351,10757,505routingProvides a generic interface for routing services that can by used to calculate directi...
456,33957,505pling-actionmailerPling Gateway to ActionMailer
563,60757,505pling-mobilantPling Gateway to Mobilant
670,21257,505maptp-serviceThis gem provides access to the MapTP web services. In order to use them, you need you...
770,75857,505concealerPrivacy control your models with ease
897,56457,505work_logLog your work times to a file using a simple command line interface
9124,25957,505cat_factsRack middleware that to add cat facts in headers of HTTP responses.
10179,56257,505tik_tak_tioki_clientClient implementation of the API of the TikTakTioki server