#44891's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,5632,998json-minifyPre-parser for JSON that removes C/C++ style comments and whitespace from formatted JSO...
219,87210,434rubber-generaterubber-c-binder allows a rubyish means of generating bindings for C libraries, incl...
327,57930,305jsonrpc2== Description A Rack compatible JSON-RPC2 server domain specific language (DSL) - all...
428,56063,432morandiApply simple edits to images
536,68663,432pixbufutilsMisc functions for alpha channel extraction, gamma, tinting, masking, blur etc.
638,41419,893redeyeRedeye correction methods for redeye
740,73063,432soup-rubyLibsoup bindings for ruby. Partial coverage sufficient to allow HTTP requests to be ha...
840,77263,432alt-foremanLightweight procfile runner
945,41263,432gtk-webkit-rubyGtk Webkit bindings for ruby. Partial coverage sufficient to embed a webview in a Ruby...
1045,76522,084rolling-limitUses redis sorted sets to allow easy rate limiting
1150,93863,432zip64writerA simple library to output Zip64 zip files from pure ruby.
1254,65563,432percona-migrations-livelinkAllows to use percona in rails migrations.
1362,42763,432binary-utilsUtility function for convert between hexdigest & digest
1572,03241,916rack-magic-incoming-urlA simple piece of rack middleware to redirect certain URLs when they are navigated to d...
1679,59341,916tagformulaMatch tag formulas with simple boolean operations against lists of strings. e.g. the f...
1780,70563,432gio-redisMinimal Redis message client for use with the Ruby-GNOME2 gio2 bindings.
1882,09530,305funkysystemLike system() but with input feeding & output capture
1985,76541,916xsettings-rubyXSettings Manager bindings for ruby e.g require 'gtk2' require 'xsettings-ruby'
2095,76930,305remote_image_fetchRestrict the types of redirect that libcurl will follow when fetching untrusted URLs
2197,25363,432guard-concatfilterGuard::ConcatFilter automatically concatenates files in one when watched files are modi...
2297,48463,432ampkAMPK is simple archive format which allows contents to be encrypted or signed using a...
24104,29563,432user_agent_parser_livelinkA simple, comprehensive Ruby gem for parsing user agent strings with the help of Browse...