Will_j's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,9909,709queue_time_statsd_reporterLog HTTP request queue time to statsd when the HTTP_X_REQUEST_START is set.
227,95111,043scampEventmachine based Campfire bot framework
341,89863,432em-campfireEventmachine campfire API lib
442,33763,432yahoo-group-dataA lib to fetch public Yahoo group data
544,66663,432sendlAPI wrapper around the sendcat.com file sending service + a shell task that lets you se...
656,81163,432eymigratesimple gem for helping migrate EY customers
778,49963,432em-berp-protocolEventMachine connection protocol for sending and receiving BERP messages
897,90763,432datadog_metricsSend metrics to Datadog with this one simple trick
9102,30663,432gamepadGet values from an xbox1 gamepad
10103,80363,432typo_safeMake your Ruby code typo safe
11126,91963,432httperf-output-parserhttperf output parser
12130,75863,432trollop-ghettoThis is a temporary gem with a patch, don't use it.
13133,74163,432sendcatFor use the sendl gem. This gem will be filled out soon.
14134,64163,432fuzzy_version_matcherDoes a 'best match' of a version against a list of candiate version numbers
15141,63641,916rolling_timeouta timeout with a rolling window that can be moved forward
16170,70241,916scamp-campfirescamp-campfire is an adapter for Scamp that uses the em-campfire lib to provide Campfir...