Chrismo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,57719,393excelinatorconvert your csv data and html tables to excel data
216,3296,952tablesmithMinimal console table
319,98317,570rubocop_lineupRubocop plugin to restrict cops to only changed lines.
423,11735,677clutila mish-mash of spare utility libs for Ruby.
524,61320,663bundler-patchConservative bundler updates
628,6598,330checkupsRuntime checks on production conditions.
731,11528,543bundler-adviseScans Gemfile for known vulnerable gems.
831,75924,889clwikiOld, tired, crappy wiki, reborn as a Rails 4+ Engine.
938,49459,086bundler-fixtureSimple fixture to generate for-realz Gemfile.lock files
1064,28359,086clindexA generic index DRb server. The core index is a hash, each key is an individual term, e...
11100,15659,086casegenSimple tool to generate use cases restricted by sets of rules
12118,60635,677active_thriftActiveRecord to Thrift tooling
13122,28459,086humperdinkRuntime tracking of finite data sets