#44920's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,08166,923ns_service_packabstract some common pattern to service pack
252,87766,923cgemSwitch gem sources easily!
379,50266,923dkletpractical DSL for daily container life
480,44066,923cap-uwsgiuWSGI integration for Capistrano 3
5101,69666,923capupCapistrano extension for bootup.
6126,57766,923higemhi gem
7127,48266,923baidu_pcsBaidu Pcs: personal cloud service
8130,99666,923nclientclient pack for ns_service_pack
9155,29066,923flog_rubyMake log and inspect business info easily.
10179,79866,923hiteahi tea protocol test
11182,05466,923higem2hi gem with ruby version 2.x