Andrewnez's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,1212,469splitRack based split testing framework
25,1808,145crummyCrummy is a simple and tasty way to add breadcrumbs to your Rails applications.
316,2624,518split-exportSplit extension to export your data
419,19120,978brewdlerBundler for non-Ruby dependencies from Homebrew
520,13721,758split-analyticsSplit extension to push test data to Google Analytics
631,24942,915deploytrackingKeep a record of all your deployments with interesting stats and history of all deploym...
746,50785,863lanyrdRuby wrapper for the Lanyrd API
856,65338,253deploy_trackerKeep a record of all your deployments with interesting stats and history of all deploym...
961,85538,253bouncerBouncer makes it easy to remove a collabroator's access to all of your github projects,...
1077,60685,863github_urlsA collection of helpers for parsing and generating GitHub urls extracted from https://l...
1188,65949,460decommissionQuickly discover which versions of rails all your apps are running
1293,58285,863instascraperA scraper for instapaper to provide a basic api without hacing to pay per month
13103,71860,164andrew-wheneverClean ruby syntax for defining and deploying messy cron jobs.
14114,67660,164bumbleRails 3 Tumblog Engine
15116,60885,863tideliftMaking open source software work better for developers and users.
16125,48985,863reevooRuby wrapper around the Reevoo XML API
17126,29985,863rack-acceptsRack middleware to reject crappy http accept headers, Returns '406 Not Acceptable' stat...
18145,96485,863split-apiRest API extension for Split
19158,50660,164bundler_package_gitBundler with support for packaging git sources - See
20164,79385,863omniauth-sourceforgeOmniauth strategy for authenticating to