Tumf's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,05954,789bookscanThis is a scraper of Bookscan (http://www.bookscan.co.jp) Service.This is *NOT* a offic...
326,71054,789keystorageThis is a command to store and manage your passwords.
427,75354,789unit-hostingThis is a command to manage virtual servers on UnitHosting(http://www.unit-hosting.com).
541,43154,789dropbox-folder-syncSync Dropbox folder with local directory
648,51354,789command-line-utilsThis is a command line utilites.
753,26154,789gargorAn auto-tuning tool for internet servers w/ Genetic Algorithm and Chef. You can get goo...
856,28254,789multilog-collectorA log collector for multilog of daemontools services
965,13354,789watchdirwatch command for multiple files.
1096,09054,789unit_hostingThis is a simple API wrapper of UnitHosting( http://www.unit-hosting.com/ ) .
11114,86154,789mechanize-downloaderThis is a mechanize plugin of donwload files wtih progress bar.
13122,96032,525vyatta-utilsinclude vyatta config to command converter