Webdestroya's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,00763,432merch_calendarUtility for manipulating dates within a 4-5-4 retail calendar
221,33263,432lita-stocksA Lita handler that displays stock prices
322,05263,432lita-xkcdAdds a Lita handler to provide access to xkcd comics.
423,82463,432lita-eightballA Lita handler for shaking an eightball.
541,49863,432lita-memegenA Lita handler for generating meme images.
650,51118,158lita-github-commitsA Lita handler that will display GitHub commit messages in the channel
750,71663,432lita-catfactsA Lita handler that provides very interesting facts about cats
851,46263,432lita-excusesAdds a Lita handler to provide developer excuses
953,66741,916demomanLibrary for reading metadata from Half-Life demo files
1058,76963,432lita-weatherA Lita handler that provides current weather conditions
1159,34663,432lita-poopA Lita handler for pooping euphemisms.
1259,70763,432lita-consoleProvides a better shell adapter that allows for history
1367,86463,432lita-location-decisionA Lita handler for making decisions about places to go
1487,86963,432lita-custom-memeA Lita handler that lets the user specify custom meme images
1591,94563,432showfixA gem to easily rename TV show files.
16102,80563,432ffaker-taxonomyHealthcare Taxonomy data for ffaker
17104,10663,432acorns-rds-authGet credentials for acorns
18118,74663,432lita-randomdevSelects a random dev to perform a task
19139,15463,432omniauth-allied_moddersA AlliedModders oauth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
20140,01141,916school_loopClient for School Loop API (OpenLoop)
21153,26341,916prison_parserPrisonArchitect save file parser.
22154,91763,432binstreamBinary stream processor