1 | 16,982 | 16,068 | merch_calendar | Utility for manipulating dates within a 4-5-4 retail calendar |
2 | 21,239 | 22,512 | lita-stocks | A Lita handler that displays stock prices |
3 | 21,959 | 26,609 | lita-xkcd | Adds a Lita handler to provide access to xkcd comics. |
4 | 23,713 | 31,663 | lita-eightball | A Lita handler for shaking an eightball. |
5 | 41,399 | 23,626 | lita-memegen | A Lita handler for generating meme images. |
6 | 50,381 | 23,626 | lita-github-commits | A Lita handler that will display GitHub commit messages in the channel |
7 | 50,582 | 28,793 | lita-catfacts | A Lita handler that provides very interesting facts about cats |
8 | 51,324 | 31,663 | lita-excuses | Adds a Lita handler to provide developer excuses |
9 | 53,588 | 42,025 | demoman | Library for reading metadata from Half-Life demo files |
10 | 58,624 | 31,663 | lita-weather | A Lita handler that provides current weather conditions |
11 | 59,162 | 35,920 | lita-poop | A Lita handler for pooping euphemisms. |
12 | 59,557 | 31,663 | lita-console | Provides a better shell adapter that allows for history |
13 | 67,688 | 35,920 | lita-location-decision | A Lita handler for making decisions about places to go |
14 | 87,744 | 35,920 | lita-custom-meme | A Lita handler that lets the user specify custom meme images |
15 | 91,798 | 86,038 | showfix | A gem to easily rename TV show files. |
16 | 102,671 | 86,038 | ffaker-taxonomy | Healthcare Taxonomy data for ffaker |
17 | 104,078 | 53,556 | acorns-rds-auth | Get credentials for acorns |
18 | 118,528 | 53,556 | lita-randomdev | Selects a random dev to perform a task |
19 | 138,971 | 86,038 | omniauth-allied_modders | A AlliedModders oauth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0 |
20 | 139,778 | 53,556 | school_loop | Client for School Loop API (OpenLoop) |
21 | 153,074 | 86,038 | prison_parser | PrisonArchitect save file parser. |
22 | 154,971 | 86,038 | binstream | Binary stream processor |