1 | 20,473 | 51,488 | github_heroku_deployer | Deploys Github repos to Heroku |
2 | 21,060 | 32,595 | homesteading | The Homesteading CLI is retired. Homesteading has changed to Dark Matter. |
3 | 22,555 | 51,488 | hentry_consumer | A microformats 2 h-entry parser. Fully Deprecated. Please see: https://rubygems.org/gem... |
4 | 26,821 | 32,595 | luna_api | A Gem to interact with different public Luna API's' |
5 | 30,971 | 15,076 | pip | Finds if a point is contained within a Polygon |
6 | 31,743 | 51,488 | homesteading_publisher | A generic Rails Engine that all HS-* post type publisher apps build on top of. |
7 | 36,396 | 129,735 | twitter-photos | Allows you to use any twitter username to return a collection of objects of photo urls,... |
8 | 43,995 | 51,488 | cynic | A Lightweight Rack-based framework |
9 | 48,453 | 51,488 | micropub-server-rails | Micropub Railtie |
10 | 49,325 | 32,595 | dropbox_api_v2 | Ruby client library for the Dropbox Api V2 |
11 | 54,175 | 32,595 | picture_tag-rails | Rails View Helper picture_tag extension |
12 | 57,482 | 22,190 | micropub | Ruby implementation of Micropub. |
13 | 81,030 | 51,488 | bookis-paperclip | Easy upload management for ActiveRecord w/Google Storage option |
14 | 82,515 | 32,595 | microby | A hATOM feed parser |
15 | 100,424 | 51,488 | easy_form_for | Just use easy_form_for(MyModel) to generate a form for an object |
16 | 103,586 | 51,488 | beemo | Vimeo V2 API Wrapper |
17 | 120,455 | 51,488 | ada_dev | A gem to automate Ada Dev life |
18 | 128,813 | 51,488 | jquery_picture_tag-rails | Ruby Gem to Automate Using JQuery Picture Tag with Rails |
19 | 128,851 | 129,735 | twitbookis | Library for TwitPic API. |
20 | 155,652 | 51,488 | micropub-rails | Rails Engine implementation of Micropub. |