Bookis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,47351,488github_heroku_deployerDeploys Github repos to Heroku
221,06032,595homesteadingThe Homesteading CLI is retired. Homesteading has changed to Dark Matter.
322,55551,488hentry_consumerA microformats 2 h-entry parser. Fully Deprecated. Please see:
426,82132,595luna_apiA Gem to interact with different public Luna API's'
530,97115,076pipFinds if a point is contained within a Polygon
631,74351,488homesteading_publisherA generic Rails Engine that all HS-* post type publisher apps build on top of.
736,396129,735twitter-photosAllows you to use any twitter username to return a collection of objects of photo urls,...
843,99551,488cynicA Lightweight Rack-based framework
948,45351,488micropub-server-railsMicropub Railtie
1049,32532,595dropbox_api_v2Ruby client library for the Dropbox Api V2
1154,17532,595picture_tag-railsRails View Helper picture_tag extension
1257,48222,190micropubRuby implementation of Micropub.
1381,03051,488bookis-paperclipEasy upload management for ActiveRecord w/Google Storage option
1482,51532,595microbyA hATOM feed parser
15100,42451,488easy_form_forJust use easy_form_for(MyModel) to generate a form for an object
16103,58651,488beemoVimeo V2 API Wrapper
17120,45551,488ada_devA gem to automate Ada Dev life
18128,81351,488jquery_picture_tag-railsRuby Gem to Automate Using JQuery Picture Tag with Rails
19128,851129,735twitbookisLibrary for TwitPic API.
20155,65251,488micropub-railsRails Engine implementation of Micropub.