1 | 13,855 | 63,432 | vtiger | Use to access vtiger crm system from ruby. |
2 | 16,024 | 63,432 | ficonabses | Simple way to send emails from your application. |
3 | 16,161 | 63,432 | mad_mimi_two | Using Mad Mimi on rails 3, rails 2 and from commandline. All of the elegant portions o... |
4 | 22,751 | 63,432 | hwid | Get a rough hardware id of the system that the gem is running on |
5 | 27,345 | 63,432 | estorm-message-processor | a gem to help rails app process AMQP queues for background jobs and client mgmt |
6 | 34,566 | 63,432 | textecho | Common application format for telkcomcel in Timor Leste. |
7 | 35,731 | 30,305 | email-authentication | Try and authenticate email address, check format, lookup mx record and check smtp conne... |
8 | 48,241 | 63,432 | wolfram_databin | Upload data to wolfram databin mathematica via ruby |
9 | 57,077 | 18,158 | randprize | Select a random prize from a list with odds |
10 | 109,450 | 63,432 | estorm_button | Tools for raspberry pi and other remote access |