1 | 20,370 | 61,367 | accessible_attributes | Dynamic attr_accessible for Active Record, inspired by Ryan Bates Railscasts episode 237 |
2 | 27,909 | 61,367 | koala-rails | Installer and helpers for using Koala with Rails 3 |
3 | 77,862 | 61,367 | ezmedium-controller-ext | A set of general-purpose Rails 3 controller extensions used by ezmedium.com |
4 | 89,768 | 61,367 | super-pry-rails | Meta gem to bundle better_errors, rails-footnotes, super-pry, and pry-rails. |
5 | 96,207 | 61,367 | super-pry | Meta gem to bundle Pry with several useful plugins. |
6 | 110,102 | 41,086 | asset_tasks | Rake tasks for asset packaging with Barista, Compass and Jammit |
7 | 118,785 | 61,367 | turbo | Generate Rails Engines with a minimal embedded dummy app for testing, compatible with T... |
8 | 124,226 | 61,367 | sc20-rails | Sproutcore 2.0 engine for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline. |
9 | 136,434 | 61,367 | pod_legal | Add Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to your Diaspora pod. |