#45100's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,29486,038accessible_attributesDynamic attr_accessible for Active Record, inspired by Ryan Bates Railscasts episode 237
227,80120,749koala-railsInstaller and helpers for using Koala with Rails 3
377,70886,038ezmedium-controller-extA set of general-purpose Rails 3 controller extensions used by ezmedium.com
489,62586,038super-pry-railsMeta gem to bundle better_errors, rails-footnotes, super-pry, and pry-rails.
596,06735,920super-pryMeta gem to bundle Pry with several useful plugins.
6109,91586,038asset_tasksRake tasks for asset packaging with Barista, Compass and Jammit
7118,66186,038turboGenerate Rails Engines with a minimal embedded dummy app for testing, compatible with T...
8124,05586,038sc20-railsSproutcore 2.0 engine for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
9136,19786,038pod_legalAdd Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to your Diaspora pod.