1 | 43,466 | 61,367 | dian_ping | 大众点评开放平台ruby版SDK-http://developer.dianping.com/app/api |
2 | 43,789 | 16,044 | micro_spider | A DSL to write web spider. Depend on capybara and capybara-webkit. |
3 | 54,304 | 61,367 | act_form | The simple way to create form objects or command/service objects with ActiveModel. |
4 | 58,411 | 61,367 | ramix | Ramix is a command-line tool for initializing a new rails application.Just the same as ... |
5 | 61,540 | 61,367 | ztil | The utils of zires...include Backup database to qi_niu |
6 | 82,002 | 21,627 | open_qq | 腾讯开放平台ruby版SDK(v3版本)http://open.qq.com/ |
7 | 102,529 | 61,367 | backup_zh | Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily... |
8 | 108,614 | 33,893 | messenger-rails | Rails assets pipeline for messenger. |
9 | 109,881 | 61,367 | yaml_record4 | Use YAML for persisted data with ActiveModel interface |
10 | 125,969 | 61,367 | evil_transform | [ruby译]地球坐标系 (WGS-84) 到火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) 的转换算法. |
11 | 131,371 | 61,367 | xheditor | xheditor is a online html editor |
12 | 143,742 | 61,367 | timelineJS_rails | timelineJS resources files packaged for the Rails asset pieline |
13 | 147,352 | 61,367 | yaml_notifier | save exceptions in yaml when exception_notification occur |
14 | 161,861 | 61,367 | acts_as_doc | Add swagger comment to any ruby file for generating swagger response doc struct |
15 | 163,295 | 61,367 | theme_park | theme_park is a flexible multiple theme plugin for rails3, sinatra, and more...it's rac... |