#45155's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
243,10735,058micro_spiderA DSL to write web spider. Depend on capybara and capybara-webkit.
355,282140,090act_formThe simple way to create form objects or command/service objects with ActiveModel.
457,33350,324ramixRamix is a command-line tool for initializing a new rails application.Just the same as ...
560,66045,014ztilThe utils of zires...include Backup database to qi_niu
7101,648140,090backup_zhBackup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily...
8107,31579,666messenger-railsRails assets pipeline for messenger.
9108,640140,090yaml_record4Use YAML for persisted data with ActiveModel interface
10125,03979,666evil_transform[ruby译]地球坐标系 (WGS-84) 到火星坐标系 (GCJ-02) 的转换算法.
11129,496140,090xheditorxheditor is a online html editor
12141,935100,918timelineJS_railstimelineJS resources files packaged for the Rails asset pieline
13145,725140,090yaml_notifiersave exceptions in yaml when exception_notification occur
14161,218100,918theme_parktheme_park is a flexible multiple theme plugin for rails3, sinatra, and more...it's rac...
15168,952140,090acts_as_docAdd swagger comment to any ruby file for generating swagger response doc struct