#45173's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,84363,432communicatorData push/pull between apps with local inbound/outbound queue and easy publish/process ...
223,84710,164punchcardSimple sinatra/activerecord based app for tracking time when people have been in the of...
330,42441,916capita_gitGit-automation tool for quick handling of common patterns for feature and fix branches
468,29263,432foreman-monitOutputs bash-wrapped launchers and control files for monit
5125,21963,432yaml_translateTranslating YAML-files using Google
6126,82663,432sgeorgi-loggingLogging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of J...
7135,30463,432office-loginCLI tool to log-in to the office's network via headless browser