#45210's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,68675,347populate-mePopulateMe is an admin system for managing structured content of web applications. It i...
223,17675,347rack-cerberusA Rack middleware for form-based authentication. It works roughly like Basic HTTP Authe...
324,55675,347rack-backend-apiThe purpose of this Rack Middleware is to provide an API that interfaces with database ...
428,31275,347sequel-crushyformA Sequel plugin that helps building forms. It basically does them for you so that you c...
534,43175,347stash-magicA simple attachment system (file system or Amazon S3) that also handles thumbnails or o...
640,89656,155rack-golemA Controller middleware that is fairly basic. I would say it is a sort of Ramaze for kids
748,33475,347web-utilsUseful web-related helper methods for models, views or controllers.
850,47575,347rack-grid-serveRack::GridServe is a Rack middleware for serving files stored in MongoDB GridFS. It is ...
968,18575,347fragmentAn HTML builder heavily based on Gestalt from the Ramaze framework. Its main purpose is...
1091,49975,347naughty-stepA Rack middleware for simple 404 and 500 status handling. Just create your 404 and 500 ...
1192,96775,347yamladeDo a YAML file, and Yamlade take care of the HTML forms for you
1299,72875,347key-value-parserKeyValueParser parses arrays of string options like 'machine=coconut'. It is mainly don...
1399,75475,347with-or-without-wwwFor Heroku users who want to systematically remove or add `www` from their host names. ...
14108,23775,347rack-sasscRack middleware for SassC which process sass/scss files when in development environment.
15118,16156,155discovery-missionDiscovery Mission is an easy-to-use website crawler. Use it for generating sitemaps.
16155,14075,347text-smugglerTextSmuggler makes it easy to obfuscate pieces of text which need to be decoded later o...
17177,13246,481campbellhay-bureauThe CampbellHay Admin System
18178,37356,155campbellhay-mongoThe CampbellHay Mongo toolbox