Markiz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1712691bunnyEasy to use, feature complete Ruby client for RabbitMQ 3.9 and later versions.
2718675amq-protocolamq-protocol is an AMQP 0.9.1 serialization library for Ruby. It is not a client: the...
32,7362,225amqpMature EventMachine-based RabbitMQ client.
44,9982,731amq-clientamq-client is a fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client with pluggable networking I...
511,22215,204evented-specSimple API for writing asynchronous EventMachine and AMQP specs. Runs legacy EM-Spec ba...
613,60347,988jsusJavascript packager and dependency resolver
725,70447,988murdocAnnotated documentation generator, see for details
842,44947,988pasrbPokerAffiliateSupport api querying via ruby
990,08047,988draisineBidirectional synchronization for salesforce / activerecord