Leifcr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,53542,025capistrano-pumaioCapistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit.
220,69131,663capistrano-delayed_jobCapistrano recipes for Delayed Job using runit and monit.
336,15453,556capistrano-base_helperHelpers for capistrano recipes using runit/monit. Currently: capistrano-puma and capist...
439,84335,920capistrano-monit_runitHelpers for capistrano recipes using runit/monit.
542,69553,556switch_access-railsIntegrates jquery Switch Access plugin 1.1.12 into rails apps.
644,42353,556uglifier_with_source_mapsUglifierWithSourceMaps overrides parts of sprockets to create sourcemaps using uglifier...
750,09453,556mm-draftA MongoMapper extension adding draft/publishing support
858,76353,556mm-treeTree structure for MongoMapper with rational number sorting
972,96526,609leifcr-mm-sluggableMongoMapper Plugin to store a slugged version of of a field.
1075,06753,556rational_numberProvide basic rational numbers for trees
1176,89742,025mongoid-tree-rationalA tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern and rational...
1278,87142,025nestedsortabletree-railsIntegrates jquery UI Nested Sortable Tree plugin into rails apps.
1379,41828,793leifcr-rack-livereloadInsert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware
1496,63526,609leifcr-refileSimple and powerful file upload library
1597,04031,663leifcr-refile-fogFog backend for Refile
16102,69231,663leifcr-refile-mini_magickImage processing via MiniMagick for Refile
17107,34142,025leifcr-mongrationsMongrations aims to be similar to ActiveRecord's data migrations, except instead of wor...
18108,43735,920leifcr-capybara-screenshotWhen a Cucumber step fails, it is useful to create a screenshot image and HTML file of ...
19140,04835,920leifcr-activeuuidAdd binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL
20141,30842,025leifcr-delayed_job_mongo_mapperMongoMapper backend for delayed_job
21141,67142,025leifcr-gravtasticA Ruby wrapper for Gravatar URLs
22150,13842,025leifcr-terminal-tableSimple, feature rich ascii table generation library
23159,59335,920leifcr-refile-s3Amazon S3 backend for the Refile gem