#45229's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1861625toml-rbA Toml parser using Citrus parsing library.
214,28761,367aquamA Ruby DSL for writing Finite State Machines and validate its transitions
352,01720,275orkOrk is a small Ruby modeling layer for Riak, inspired by Ohm.
452,37941,086omniauth-withingsOmniAuth strategy for Withings.com.
553,97661,367appinsightsApplication Insights AutoInstaller for Ruby
678,83361,367achetepe`achetepe` is a small and simple library to execute a block of code after an asynchrono...
7102,87125,716olafRuby wrapper for Snowflake queries.
8108,42133,893ork-encryptionEncrypt documents persisted on Riak DB. Inspired in ripple-encryption
9110,03033,893ork-timestampsAdd the clasic timestamps :created_at, :updated_at to the Ork::Documents
10122,28661,367cuba-hamlCuba is a microframework for web applications.
11134,11161,367toml_parser-rubyDEPRECATED by 'toml-rb' gem. A TOML parser using Citrus parsing library
12141,70061,367ector-multiGrouping multiple DB operations in a single transaction. 100% Inspired by Ecto
13146,33841,086ork-hooksAdd the clasic callbacks to the Ork::Documents
14147,84861,367snowerPerfect for this holidays. Taken from OSXdaily.com
15168,49661,367double_dispatchCall different functions depending on the runtime types of two objects, use method over...
16170,08761,367dyn-api-genDynamic API client generator. Aims to follow OpenAPI + JSON API standards