1 | 3,110 | 6,472 | skylight-core | The core methods of the Skylight profiler. |
2 | 3,760 | 6,091 | ember-source | Ember.js source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs. |
3 | 4,088 | 6,142 | ember-data-source | ember-data source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs. |
4 | 4,590 | 8,279 | ember-rails | Ember for Rails 3.1+ |
5 | 6,369 | 4,463 | rescue_registry | Registry for Rails Exceptions |
6 | 6,622 | 4,445 | graphiti-rails | Rails integration for Graphiti |
7 | 12,954 | 13,496 | appdynamics | AppDynamics Ruby Agent |
8 | 18,376 | 53,556 | strobe | The client library for deploying applications to Strobe's HTML5 deployment platform |
9 | 19,960 | 13,399 | helix_runtime | The Helix Runtime |
10 | 22,810 | 18,351 | guides | A tool for creating version controlled guides for open source projects, based on the Ra... |
11 | 23,144 | 86,038 | bpm | Browser Package Manager |
12 | 34,513 | 86,038 | spade | Unified JavaScript runner for browser and command line |
13 | 36,494 | 22,512 | libgems | LibGems is essentially a clone of RubyGems but with a unique namespace to run side-by-s... |
14 | 42,731 | 53,556 | packager | A tool for creating a standalone Mac OS X .pkg of your gem. |
15 | 68,125 | 28,793 | helix-rails | Helix for Rails |
16 | 78,219 | 53,556 | sc-docs | A tool to generate docs for SproutCore and SproutCore applications. |
17 | 98,097 | 86,038 | spade-packager | Package Manager for JavaScript |
18 | 122,608 | 53,556 | irobotcreate | Connect to the IRobotCreate with Ruby via a serial connection. |
19 | 129,774 | 86,038 | spade-core | Core Libraries for Spade Package Manager and Runtime |
20 | 129,976 | 53,556 | spade-runtime | Unified JavaScript runner for browser and command line |
21 | 137,737 | 86,038 | qunit-cli-runner | CLI Runner for QUnit tests |
22 | 165,984 | 86,038 | slackathon | A simple way to build Slack interations inside a Rails app. |