Hannesg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19201,729uri_templateA templating system for URIs, which implements RFC6570 and Colon based URITemplates in ...
249,73354,789humanizedSick of writing culture dependent code? humanized could be for you.
360,45954,789multi_gitmulti_git is aimed to be the best git interface for ruby
472,26154,789prawn-blankprawn-blank adds forms to prawn
584,95854,789addressiveA system which should help bringing different Rack applications together.
6101,74354,789borxThis plugin parses a piece of ruby code with ripper, rewrites it a bit and converts it ...
7117,05626,552splashSplashes Mongo
8120,46954,789cautiousThis package contains two modules: Cautious and Combineable