Ssayer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,06830,826health-data-standardsA library for generating and consuming various healthcare related formats. These includ...
215,57680,049quality-measure-engineA library for running clinical quality measures
331,20939,736hquery-patient-apiA javascript library abstraction for dealing with patients in hQuery map reduce functions
439,16518,119cql_qdm_patientapiInterface from HDS patient model to QDM CQL execution engine
540,84618,119bonnie_bundlerA Gem for creating and managing bonnie bundles
643,53480,049hqmf2jsA library for converting HQMF files to executable JavaScript suitable for use with the ...
794,35280,049health_cardsHealth Cards implements SMART Health Cards, a secure and decentralized framework that a...
8107,489163,113simplexml_parserA Gem for parsing MAT SimpleXml files into the health data standards HQMF Model