1 | 1,685 | 1,666 | stripe-ruby-mock | A drop-in library to test stripe without hitting their servers |
2 | 4,788 | 8,027 | jimson-temp | JSON-RPC 2.0 client and server |
3 | 23,384 | 86,038 | solid_use_case | Create use cases the way they were meant to be. Easily verify inputs at each step and s... |
4 | 31,564 | 53,556 | staticmatic2 | StaticMatic helps you quickly create maintainable Amazon S3 static websites using
t... |
5 | 44,059 | 86,038 | active_record_tasks | Use ActiveRecord 4 in non-rails projects. |
6 | 56,958 | 86,038 | ruby-prolog | A pure Ruby implementation of a useful subset of Prolog. |
7 | 69,650 | 35,920 | lomic | Lomic is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) intended to be used for Pomic, a programming ... |
8 | 69,985 | 86,038 | omniauth-makersquare | Official MakerSquare strategy for OmniAuth |
9 | 136,843 | 86,038 | r_simperium | r_simperium aims to mimic Simperium's official python library. |
10 | 155,426 | 86,038 | omniauth-makerpass | Official MakerPass strategy for OmniAuth |